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Welcome to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Dr Thomas Lonsdale


Candidate 5 of 8


Tom LonsdaleProposers

Roger Meacock, Andrew Stephens


Address and contact details

PO Box 6096, Windsor Delivery Centre, NSW 2756, Australia

T +61 2 4577 7061+61 2 4577 7061

+61 437 2928 00+61 437 2928 00



Candidate biography

1980s  Woke from vet-school induced stupor to realisation that junk pet-food industry relies on bogus science and negligent vet ‘profession’.

1991  Blew whistle on junk pet-food fraud 

1992  Pandemic of Peridontal Disease postulating need for legal action

1993  Preventative Dentistry Sydney University commissioned article

1994  Feeding vs Nutrition: Have we lost the plot in small animal dietetics? 

1994  Cybernetic Hypothesis JVetDent (Postulates ecological theory of health and disease as extension of Gaia Hypothesis.)

1994-7  Junk pet-food cult brought four disciplinary actions before NSW Vet Board.

1995  Periodontal disease and leucopenia JSAP

2001  Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health Exposes vet establishment negligence. Proposes paradigm of vet science and practice.

2004  Nominated for ACVSc Award. ‘Dr Lonsdale has identified a problem, researched the aetiology and the pathogenesis, introduced therapeutic and preventative procedures, and addressed, head on, what he saw to be a moral issue for the profession. In short he has changed a paradigm and guided his profession in a more thoughtful and proper course of action.’

2014  Most Supportive Vet Award

          FOI researchJunk pet-food grease in seven Australian vet schools.

2015  Video: Science Death Experiment.

Candidate manifesto

Pompous, arrogant, mouthing incantations, the vet high priests worship at the altar of bogus science. Founded on fallacy, they oversee the junk food poisoning of pets, betrayal of consumers and brainwashing of vet students.

They must be stopped.

Morgan Spurlock embarked on a risky experiment. For 30 days he ate junk food at every meal. He gained eleven kilos; his liver turned to fat; cholesterol shot up and he doubled his risk of heart failure. Fortunately for Spurlock he escaped addiction to junk food; followed his doctor’s orders and stopped the experiment.

The medical profession tells us that carbohydrate laden junk food injures health; that periodontal inflammation and obesity are precursors of systemic disease and early death. By contrast the junk pet- food industry controls the veterinary agenda. Vet schools deliver industry-funded propaganda on diabetes, periodontal disease and obesity — whilst simultaneously ensuring pious mumbo-jumbo obscures the despicable, lamentable truth.

Vet ‘experts’ jet about the world spruiking the latest concoctions; extolling the alleged benefits of elaborate treatments instead of declaring front and centre that junk food contaminates all aspects of vet science, teaching and practice. According to them natural food, as determined by evolution, is dangerous whilst their paymaster’s industrial junk represents the pinnacle of excellence!

For 20 consecutive RCVS elections I’ve called for our ‘self-regulating’ profession to act with integrity and honour. Alas the high priests refuse even to consider. Time, then, for the courts to decide. I recommend legal proceedings against the RCVS, junk food companies, veterinary schools and individuals in respect to animal cruelty, breach of contract, theft and fraud.

Please vote in support; instruct your lawyers and brief the media. Pets, pet owners and the wider community need our help. Thank you.


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